Michigan General Jural Assembly
Michigan, a Free and Independent Nation=States
Welcome to the lawfull Michigan General Jural Assembly (MGJA) website.
Assembly Is the voice of the American people recognized by the first Article of the federal Bill of Rights, which says Congress shall pass no law infringing upon the right of the people to freely assemble. Even before the Constitution, people met in Assembly to voice their grievances against the government,. Elected officials were expected to make corrections or face consequences as government serves the people. This is why government workers are called public servants (including the President of the United States).
There are five branches of government: Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Grand Jury and the assembly of the people. The assembly of the people is the largest branch and is the one that the first three are to serve. The Grand Jury is the means to investigate the first three branches and bring them into compliance, if they are not properly serving the people.
The Grand Jury is a part of why we are a Jural Assembly.
Michigan is a sovereign state, a nation. When Michigan joined the Union created by the Articles of Confederation, it was already a state and a nation. In most matters, Michigan should function as an independent nation and it is only in specifically defined areas that it cedes authority to the federal government.
Michigan General Jural Assembly is a continuation of the original assemblies established in colonial times. We are locally focused and work to restore limited federal government. Assembly returns control of the government back to the people.
We hope you will be intrigued enough to research additional information available on this website and inspired enough to join us in our effort to put back in place the type of government that we once thought we had, so that future generations may truly enjoy the American dream.
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men [and Women] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. (Excerpt from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, written in 1776).
These principles are intended to form the foundation, in the minds of the general population, of all law for the Republic [the Union] of the united States of America. Unfortunately, as stated in a well-known law journal a few decades ago, the Republic [the Union], “died along with the 600,000 in our country’s Civil War.”
We are Michigan General Jural Assembly, a group of men and women who live on the land known as Michigan. We learned the Republic [the Union] did not really die, but only ceased to function as what we thought was a de jure government and was asleep from the Civil War days until just over a decade ago. That is when the lawful Michigan assembly began our effort to reassemble and reawaken the Union and restore its pre-Civil War status and functions, along with reasserting our unalienable rights, which have also been steadily eroded, especially since the Civil War, but even before that.
In order to attain this peaceful reassembly goal, we need the help of many men and women in Michigan and beyond. Join with us now to help our country become one where peace, prosperity and opportunity are available to everyone.
After the Revolutionary War ended, the courts in America explained that the men and women of America inherited the “prerogatives of the King,” and that each one of us is a “sovereign without subjects.” In other words, we had every right to live our own lives in the manner that we chose, unencumbered by any rules and regulations that we did not author or agree with. Let us all work together to educate ourselves and others, to share and help each other on our path to asserting our sovereignty, and to reclaim our rights. Current government, to a large extent, has usurped those unalienable rights to which we are all entitled by our Creator.
This website is intended to help you understand how our country descended into its current state, and how we can all work together to restore honest and appropriate governance. Please contact us for more information.
Current Situation
During the first hundred years from its formation, the united States of America became one of the most powerful and prosperous countries in the world. The united States came to be recognized as being bastions of freedom, a land that embraced freedom, and a land of opportunity. People from all parts of the globe immigrated to our country in order to realize the American Dream. Its core was the belief that all people are entitled to the fruits of their labor and that the government has no authority to confiscate the property of its people without their consent.
One major reason for its immediate growth was the fact that it was a nation that believed in Scriptural principles, that the Almighty Creator, and not a man-made government, is our Provider. Its foundation also included what we thought was the implementation of sound money to be used with honest weights and measures in a Free Market economic system.
Unfortunately, in its second hundred years, certain powerful forces gained more control of the government. Measures were taken to extend that control to the monetary system and all other aspects of our lives. Also promoted was the false concept that people should expect their government to take care of them, thereby making the people subservient to the government. Efforts increased to have the federal government usurp power and authority from the people as well as states. So, too, confiscatory taxes were enacted that served to slow down and stifle the economy and cause an increasingly greater number of people to become dependent upon the government. The land of opportunity was slowly but steadily transformed into the land of entitlements.
We have now come to the point as a nation whereby the private sector is no longer capable of supporting the public sector. Government debt has grown astronomically to levels which render it incapable of ever being satisfied. Yet to placate its creditor masters, the government is striving to increase taxes even more, which will only further discourage economic growth and exacerbate our national debt crisis.
Simultaneously, in order to control the potentially hostile masses and under the banner of national security, our rights and freedom have been denied through egregious legislation. Then, worst of all, the government is getting increasingly hostile to the people. Americans have come to realize that their elected officials no longer care what they have to say. These officials are not moved by our complaints.
Background to Current Situation
Congress enacted the Act of 1871, which President Ulysses S. Grant signed into law. Using the War Powers defect in the U. S. Constitution, a new service corporation was created with which to govern Washington DC and provide certain services to the people and the states. This new corporate entity, functioning under martial law, then enticed the states to accept more complete control by the federal government. Next, they took steps to deceive the sovereign people of the states into allowing themselves to be treated as citizens under the Fourteenth Amendment. Since then, elected officials have been serving their international employers rather than the people who elected them, and the people were slowly led away from relying on Divine Providence and instead depending upon government to take care of them.
The fact of the matter is that we did not knowingly expatriate ourselves from our original status. Rather, the government has been using deceptive tactics to draw the people under its control.
The tactics are centered on the use of Marriage Licenses, Birth Certificates, Drivers Licenses, Business Licenses, Bank Accounts, and Social Security, partly as a result of the 14th Amendment. All contain adhesion contracts. Having acquired any or all of these adhesions we unknowingly give the government authority over us. For example, marriage licenses make the government a third party to marriages and give it a claim to ownership of the children. These “invisible contracts” also make us liable for the Income Tax that otherwise would not pertain to most of the men and women living in the states. All of these things have served to systematically deprive the people of our natural rights and subject us to power-mongering de facto governmental authorities.
To our surprise and dismay we find that the type of government that we thought we had was hijacked from us. Now that we are aware of the truth, it is our right and our duty to reassemble and bring forth for ourselves and for our land the lawful status we thought we had. To do this we do not have to resort to revolution, riot, or military coup. Instead, we can accomplish this objective by relying on the truth and the pen to educate the people of America.
Assuming Power
America can become what we all thought it was intended to be not by revolution, riot, or military coup, but rather by conveying the truth to the people via word of mouth and the pen. We are not enemies of the current de facto government, and we are taking no actions to bring it down. In fact, there are good people that work for the current government. We understand the difficulties they face and pray that they can awaken to the positive changes that are unfolding for us all. May they be blessed with the eyes to see and the ears to hear, and the courage to join together to help this transition to a better world.
At the same time, we see that the corporate government is all but officially bankrupt and insolvent. As such, it is losing influence throughout the world, as well as the confidence of the people. With other countries no longer wanting to acquire more of its debt, the corporate government is increasingly becoming incapable of meeting its financial obligations. The dollar has been steadily dropping, as we have been seeing occur.
With the people reassembled and our intended government structure in place, we will be able to assist in the transition. Not only can chaos throughout the country be averted, but a period of renewed prosperity could quickly begin.
The only thing that can stop the people of America from having a form of government that acknowledges and protects our unalienable rights is the lack of courage and conviction and understanding necessary to accomplish this goal. Are you ready to stand and help for yourself, your family, and the whole nation?
Please contact us for more information at https://firstmichigandejure.org/contact-us-2