MGJA continues to gather and assess documents in conjunction with all other reassembled states of the American Union. Studying these historical documents help us to see what is necessary to rebut the presumption of authority the present de facto government, federal and state, has unlawfully pressed upon the American people.
1. Geneva Bible Patriot Edition 1599
2. Mayflower Compact ~ 11 November 1620
4. Declaration of Independence ~ 4 July 1776
5. Constitution for the United States of America ~ 1778-1788
6. Articles of Confederation ~1 March 1781
7. Northwest Ordinance ~ 13 July 1787
8. Bill of Rights ~ 15 December 1791
9. Pan American Treaty ~ 10 October 1933
10. Bretton Woods Agreement=Act ~ 21 October 1944
11. New Declaration of Independence – 21 October 2012 Rev
12. Contempt of Constitution
The above list of documents can be found online and should be verified as to accuracy through an actual book search at a “repository library”, or by way of another trusted compilation of such documents.
The above documents do not include all of the known and unknown “Treaties” that have been put in place. Examples of treaties in this category might include the “Lateran Treaty”, created in 1929, in which the current City-State known as the Vatican was created . The Treaty of Paris, which officially ended the Revolutionary War, is another treaty that many people might have never read themselves to see what it actually says. It certainly did not do what is commonly believed among Americans. The Treaty of Verona of 1213 AD and the Treaty of Verona of 1822 AD are two more that affect our lives today, but appear to be generally unknown.
The events surrounding the Magna Carta, as well as its meaning are connected to the Treaty of Verona of 1213, but neither those events nor the Treaty of Verona of 1213 can be said to be of common knowledge despite their effect on modern day life.