What is a General Jural Assembly?

What is a General Jural Assembly?

A body politic made up of the inhabitants of a country who desire to establish a form of government that protects our God-given inalienable rights. The People have the lawfull authority to come together and address the issues within their communities; every member has a vote and decisions are made as a whole.


What Authority does the assembly have?

All political power is held by the People acting collectively. They have the authority to form Grand Juries and oversee all aspects of government.


Aren’t there other groups doing the same thing?

There appear to be many groups trying to do the same thing, but lacking proper, proven procedures for doing so. The lawful and successful process is to follow the method pioneered by the lawfull Michigan General Jural Assembly. Some other groups have taken this information and tried to modify it, thereby rendering it ineffective and not in accord with what is needed to peacefully bring about positive changes for everyone.


How do I know this is the correct path to assembly?

The Michigan General Jural Assembly has created a procedure based in the people’s common law. Some studying is necessary to understand what this means.  It is extremely important to comprehend the real history of our world and our nation to understand how we have been deceived into giving up our inalienable rights.


What is a Grand Jury?

The 4th arm of the government made up of sovereign inhabitants. See: United States v. Williams, 112 S.Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992). The grand jury’s principal functions are to protect the people from unwarranted accusations, and to investigate all aspects of their government is to determine if it is functioning properly and effectively.


A Grand Jury can be formed to deal with issues related to the state government, its officers and functions, as well as investigating purported crimes that affect more than just a particular Local-Assembly. A more limited de jure Local-Assembly Grand Jury can deal with local government issues and investigating crimes purported to have been committed within the jurisdiction of a Local Assembly.


What is a Petit Jury?

A petit jury conducts a trial-by-jury that hears and decides cases that result from True Bills=Indictments issued by a Grand Jury. A petit jury determines guilt or innocence in such cases and also settles disputes in cases related to contracts and other non-criminal disputes between inhabitants.



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